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Fire Engine Party Games for One Hot Birthday Party

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Fire Engines are a boy's best friend. Whether it's a fire truck, ladder truck or rescue vehicle, it seems boys just can't get enough of these bright, noisy trucks. This leads to a great theme for a children's party. Guests young and old can enjoy playing dress up, drawing their own fire engines and even dining on a fire truck shaped cake. However, to really keep the party buzzing and your guests entertained long after the cake has disappeared like a puff of smoke, consider these fire engine themed party games.

Pin the Tail on the Dalmatian

Kids Dalmation Costume

This firehouse game is sure to bring laughter from all those involved. Prior to guests' arrival, decorate or purchase a large picture of a Dalmatian, traditional companion to firemen everywhere. Next, cut the tail off the picture. You will also need a blindfold for this game. Gather all the participants and explain the predicament. There's a fire in town and of course the fire truck cannot leave without its trusty Dalmatian. And what good is a Dalmatian without a tail? Select a guest to be blindfolded and attempt to pin the tail on the Dalmatian picture you have prepared. To add difficulty, consider spinning the guest around after blindfolding. Also, for safety, you may want to use Velcro tape instead of a sharp pin. For added humor, dress the blindfolded participant up in large pants, suspenders, an overcoat and a fireman's helmet. After a preset time, if the guest has not successfully "pinned" the tail on your Dalmatian, select another guest to play.

Fire Engine Party Games for One Hot Birthday Party


This fireman's game is great for indoor and outdoor parties. Gather your guests around and form a circle. Select a guest and whisper an "Emergency" message to them. For a fire engine theme, try messages such as "Help! There's a kitten in the old oak." or "Oh, no! There are knots in the hoses!" The purpose of the game is to pass this message from one guest to another by whispering it from the first guest to the next until the message returns to the start. Everyone can then have a good laugh at how the "Emergency" message has changed as it was passed on. Select another guest to start the message and pass them another urgent dispatch to be whispered around the circle.

Since their invention, fire engines have fascinated young boys everywhere. This means party supplies with a fire engine theme can be found anywhere. You can even get a cake in the shape of a fire truck or fireman's helmets for each guest, but to really keep the party blazing, try adding these fun, simple fire engine themed party games.

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